Comments in Python Code

When it comes to writing clean, maintainable, and understandable code, Python is a language that excels. We know that comments are an essential part of a good code base. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to write comments in Python Code.

Why are Comments Important?

Comments are lines of text in your code that the Python interpreter ignores. They exist solely to provide human-readable explanations of the code’s functionality, logic, or any other relevant information. They act as a form of documentation, helping developers grasp the intent behind the code without having to decipher every line.

Types of Comments

There are two types of comments in Python :

  1. Single-line comment
  2. Multi-line comment

1. Single-line comments

These are comments that appear on a single line and are used to annotate a specific line of code. They begin with the # symbol and continue until the end of the line.

# This is a single-line comment

However, the below code is not a comment even though it has a # symbol.

text = "# This is not a comment because it's inside quotes."

2. Multi-line comments

Multi-line comments in Python can be written using triple quotes (”’ ”’) or triple double quotes (“”” “””). This allows you to write multiple lines of comments without using the # symbol at the beginning of each line.

This is a 
multi-line comment in 
Python programming

Multi-line comment with triple quotes example :

This is a another
multi-line comment in 
Python programming using the triple quotes 

When to Use Comments

  1. Complex algorithms: If you’re implementing a complex algorithm or logic, comments can help break down the steps and provide insights into the thought process.
  2. Workarounds or hacks: If you’re using a workaround or a less-than-ideal solution due to constraints, explain the reason in a comment.
  3. Important decisions: Comments are valuable for explaining design decisions, especially when multiple options are considered before settling on a particular approach.
  4. Potential pitfalls: If a piece of code has potential pitfalls or edge cases, use comments to highlight these areas.


In conclusion, Python comments are a very effective tool for writing clean and comprehensible code. You can read about Python docstrings, format, and examples.