How to Check Weather Forecast in Terminal

In this article, we will discuss a simple method to check weather forecasts in Windows and Linux terminals.

We will use web service to get the weather forecast.

The feature includes

  • 3 days weather forecast from the current day
  • Weather information for specific location, area code
  • Automatic location detection based on your IP addresss
  • Supports 3 types of output format; ANSI for terminal,HTML for web browsers, or PNG for graphical viewers
  • Can display Moon phases

Let’s dive into how we can get weather information in the terminal.

Weather forecast in Linux terminal

First, we need to install curl and run the following command

For Debian based systems

$  sudo apt update
$  sudo apt upgrade
$  sudo apt install curl

For Fedora users run the following command

$ yum install curl

Run the following command in terminal

$ curl
Weather forecast in Linux terminal image

To know the current moon phase run the following command.

 $ curl
Moon phase image

To save weather information as image run the following command.

$ wget
$ wget

Weather forecast in Windows terminal

We need to use PowerShell in Windows to access the weather service.

We will use the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet in PowerShell to get the weather forecast from In the searchbar type “powershell” and open it.


Run the following command

Weather forecast in WIndows powershell

We can also run this using the curl command, download curl executables and add it to the path environmental variable.


There you have it, a simple method to check the weather forecasts from Windows/Linux terminal. Hope you enjoyed reading the article.

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