Python Class Decorators

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Python class decorators are a powerful feature that allows developers to modify the behavior of a class or its methods. In this article, we will learn about Python decorators. A class is a blueprint for an object, and it defines the properties and methods of an object. You can read more about Python class here. … Read more

What are Python Classes

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Classes are an essential part of object-oriented programming. Python also supports object-oriented programming (OOP).In this article, we will discuss python classes. Let’s understand the definition of class. The central concept of OOP is to divide software into small, individual, and interacting objects. These objects have their own properties (also called data members) and methods (also … Read more

Install FFmpeg on Windows – A Step-by-Step Guide

FFMpeg install on windows

FFmpeg is a cross-platform tool used to convert and stream media files. In this step-by-step guide, we will discuss how to install FFmpeg on Windows.FFmpeg is a powerful and versatile open-source command-line tool for manipulating multimedia files. It is widely used in the film and video industry, as well as by individuals, to perform a … Read more

Google’s Sparrow AI: The end of ChatGPT’s dominance?

Google has recently announced that it will be unveiling its new AI, Sparrow, which is being dubbed as a “ChatGPT killer.” Even though ChatGPT is still in beta, it has a good amount of users, Google already declared code red as ChatGPT is impacting the search giant’s business model. Sparrow is a dialogue agent that … Read more

WebP to JPG Converter

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WebP is a modern image format that offers smaller file sizes and improved compression over traditional image formats like JPEG and PNG. However, not all browsers and devices support WebP, and it may be necessary to convert WebP images to JPEG or other formats for compatibility. In this article, we will discuss the different ways … Read more

Basics of a Python Program

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language widely used in various fields such as web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and more. It is known for its simple and easy-to-read syntax, making it an excellent choice for beginners to learn to program. Let’s understand the basics of a python program. A Python program is … Read more

YouTube vs Vimeo

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YouTube and Vimeo are two of the most popular video hosting platforms on the internet. Both platforms allow users to upload, share, and view videos, but they have some key differences that set them apart. YouTube, which was launched in 2005 and is owned by Google, is the largest video hosting platform in the world. … Read more

How To Add Audio To Google Slides -Step-by-Step Guide

Google Slides is a powerful tool for creating presentations, and one of its most useful features is the ability to add audio to presentations. Whether you want to include background music, sound effects, or a recorded voiceover, adding audio can enhance the overall experience for your audience. In this article, we will show you how … Read more

UUID Generator in Python

A universally unique identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used in software systems. This article will discuss UUID generators in Python. UUID Let’s understand universally unique identifiers (UUID). A universally unique identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems. It is a standardized format, defined in the Internet Engineering Task … Read more

Random Number Generator in Excel

Random numbers are an important aspect in many areas of life, including science, engineering, finance, and gaming. Excel is a powerful tool that provides several functions for generating random numbers. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most commonly used functions for generating random numbers in Excel. The RAND() … Read more